
Growth Hacking For Your Business: A How-To Session

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Do you have a small marketing budget for your startup or business? Are you stressed out trying to figure out how to best build your customer / user base at low to no cost? Come join us to learn how you can leverage lean launch growth hacking techniques that integrate creativity and innovation with SEO, web analytics, content marketing, and A/B testing to focus on growth first and budgets second. See you at PodCamp Toronto 2015!

Key Take Aways

  • Learn what growth hacking and lean launch models are
  • Discover how to focus your marketing strategy for your specific user base
  • Explore pull tactics to engage your visitors
  • Acquire the knowledge for push tactics that get the attention of your users
  • Learn practical techniques that you can use for your business or startup right away

Q: Is PodCamp Toronto truly free?

Yes, it is 100% free for all registered attendees. Run entirely by volunteers, and thanks to our generous sponsors that cover any costs, we are able to run this unconference free of charge.

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