

  • What is PodCamp Toronto?

    PodCamp Toronto is Canada’s largest free gath­er­ing of creative, tech, and dig­i­tal pro­fes­sion­als. We wel­come a diverse group of par­tic­i­pants to share knowl­edge, learn and strive to make our­selves and our com­mu­nity bet­ter!

  • Is PodCamp Toronto truly free?

    Yes, it is 100% free for all registered attendees. Run entirely by volunteers, and thanks to our generous sponsors that cover any costs, we are able to run this unconference free of charge.

  • Can my company sponsor PodCamp Toronto?

    Absolutely, we would love your support! To enquire, please contact our sponsorship coordinator Evelyn at, or check our our sponsorship package here

  • I heard PodCamp Toronto is an “unconference.” What the heck is that?!

    An uncon­fer­ence is a facil­i­tated, participant-driven event cen­tred on a theme or pur­pose (in this case, podcasting and various forms of digital media). Because we’re an unconference, we encourage our participants to exercise the “Law of Two Feet” (see next Q)

  • What is the Law of Two Feet?

    When a par­tic­i­pant finds they are not learn­ing or con­tribut­ing to dis­cus­sion, they must find a dis­cus­sion where they can learn some­thing by tak­ing their “two feet” else­where. Par­tic­i­pants also cross-pollinate ideas by spread­ing dis­cus­sion ideas as they go.

  • When is PodCamp Toronto 2015?

    PodCamp Toronto will run from 8:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday, February 21 and 10:00am to 6:00pm on Sunday, February 22.

  • How can I register?

    Use this handy form to register for attendance

  • Where is PodCamp Toronto 2015 taking place?

    Our event takes over the halls of the Rogers Communications Centre at Ryerson University. The building is located at 80 Gould Street, Toronto (between Church and Jarvis/Dundas and Gerrard).

  • How can I get to PodCamp Toronto?

    There are several public transit options available (please refer to the TTC Trip Planner to determine your route). There are also bicycle racks on the premises, and there are several paid parking lots in the area.

  • I’ll be coming to PodCamp Toronto by car, is there parking?

    Parking is not provided on-site, though there are several paid lots and some street parking available in the immediate area. Heated underground parking is available directly across Gould Street underneath the Metro grocery store. To access it, come north from Dundas up Dalhousie Street (one way) and the entrance to the garage will be on your right just before you get to Gould.


  • Is there an after-party for PodCamp Toronto?

    Yes, participants can join us at Ryerson’s Rye in the Ram pub at 55 Gould Street to network and chat with our community on Saturday, February 21st.

  • Did you change venues for the party?

    Yes, we have returned to the Ryerson’s Rye in the Ram pub due to popular demand to give guests more space to network after the event. And more space for foosball, of course!

  • Is the party free?

    Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, the party is free. Food will be provided but is first-come first-served, so be sure to get there early and stay all night! A drink ticket will also be provide for all participants upon arrival and a cash bar is available.


  • When is the deadline for submitting sessions?

    Sunday, February 15

  • When will the schedule be published?

    Tuesday, February 17

  • What kind of sessions are you looking for?

    Please take a look at our Session Guide here for session types, topics, and skill levels.

  • How do you decide on the final schedule?

    Though final consideration is given to the PodCamp Toronto organizing team at large, we consider the demand for each session, determined by what attendees are adding to their personal schedules.

  • Can I choose to present on one day over the other?

    Due to the high demand for sessions, we cannot guarantee a specific day or time to any speaker. If applying to present at PodCamp Toronto, please ensure you’re available to attend both days of the event.

  • How do I build my own schedule?

    You can register to build your own personal schedule on our sessions page. You’ll see a star next to each session that has been approved. Please click the star to add sessions you’re interesting in seeing at PodCamp Toronto to your own personal schedule.

  • How long are sessions?

    45 minutes, including Q&A (if you plan on it). Volunteers will let you know when you are approaching your time limit. We are committed to a strict schedule, so we thank you in advance for abiding by the time allotted equally for each participant.

  • What are speakers required to bring?

    Please bring your laptop and any accessories you’d need to hook it up to an HDMI projector. All rooms at Rogers Communication Centre are equipped with an HDMI projector/television. We will have a couple adapters on hand, but we can’t guarantee one for every presenter.

  • Who can present at PodCamp Toronto?

    We welcome submissions from everyone in the community.
    To submit a session idea, please fill out the this form.


  • Can my company sponsor PodCamp Toronto?

    Absolutely, we would love your support! To enquire, please contact our sponsorship coordinator Evelyn at, or check our our sponsorship package here


  • What kind of volunteer opportunities are there at PodCamp Toronto?

    PodCamp Toronto is entirely volunteer-driven! We always need enthusiastic volunteers in a range of areas: manning the registration desk, room hosting and greeting attendees at our traditional Saturday night social. Many previous volunteers have gotten more serious and joined our core organizing team! For more details, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Samuel at

  • Is there a time commitment?

    We don’t have any specific requirements: simply whenever you have time! Whether it’s all weekend, one day or one afternoon, any time you can devote would be amazing!

  • What do I get out of volunteering?

    What don’t you get?! You’ll be part of Toronto’s coolest digital media community, attend some great sessions and meet awesome people. We make sure volunteers have the opportunity to attend the event and get the most out of it for themselves too! Not to mention, there’s the opportunity to network with a marketers, community managers, podcasters and more. And of course, you’ll get a fine addition to your resume and we’re happy to give you a reference!

  • I want to volunteer at PodCamp Toronto 2015, how can I get involved?!

    We would love to have your support at the event. Shoot an email to our volunteer coordinator Sam at and he’ll get in touch!

Q: How do I build my own schedule?

You can register to build your own personal schedule on our sessions page. You’ll see a star next to each session that has been approved. Please click the star to add sessions you’re interesting in seeing at PodCamp Toronto to your own personal schedule.

More FAQ's