
Our diverse com­mu­nity includes ama­teur and pro­fes­sional con­tent cre­ators and com­mu­ni­ca­tors. This includes folks from all areas of new media — writ­ers, pro­duc­ers, pho­tog­ra­phers, design­ers, pod­cast­ers, devel­op­ers and bloggers.

Uncon­fer­ences are facil­i­tated, participant-driven events cen­tred on a theme or pur­pose. The first Pod­Camp was held in Boston in 2006. Since then, new media and tech­nol­ogy com­mu­ni­ties in numer­ous cities have held PodCamps.

When some­one signs up to attend Pod­Camp they become a par­tic­i­pant. Because we’re an uncon­fer­ence, we ask our par­tic­i­pants to pro­vide the pro­gram­ming and ses­sions. To speak at Pod­Camp is to share knowl­edge, exper­tise and per­spec­tive while facil­i­tat­ing a dis­cus­sion. Par­tic­i­pants at Pod­Camp bring their curios­ity and pas­sion for new media and creativity.

Par­tic­i­pants at Pod­Camp exer­cise the Law of Two Feet. That is, when a par­tic­i­pant finds they are not learn­ing or con­tribut­ing to dis­cus­sion, they must find a dis­cus­sion where they can learn some­thing by tak­ing their “two feet” else­where. Par­tic­i­pants also cross-pollinate ideas by spread­ing dis­cus­sion ideas as they go. In addi­tion to lots of con­ver­sa­tion in the halls, we always have a vibrant Twit­ter stream of ideas emerg­ing from sessions.

Fol­low the #PCTO15 hash­tag to keep up and join in on those conversations!

Organizing Committee



Some of the photos used on this website were taken by Dave Delaney, Eva Blue, Rannie Turingan, and Ryerson University .

Q: What kind of sessions are you looking for?

Please take a look at our Session Guide here for session types, topics, and skill levels.

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