
One Like, Two Shares, Red Fish, Blue Fish: The Basics of Measuring Social Media

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Who am I?
My name is Rob.
Measuring things
has been my job.

So sit in the room
And hear what I say.
You’ll be measuring too
by the end of the day.

We’re going to get down to basics. There are a lot of numbers and points of data available through social media. Let’s stop counting things simply because they can be counted and help you to actually measure the change you’re hoping to make through social media.

Key Take Aways

  • What can be measured through social media
  • What can't be measured through social media
  • How to avoid number soup
Beginner Social Media & Marketing Session


Q: What kind of volunteer opportunities are there at PodCamp Toronto?

PodCamp Toronto is entirely volunteer-driven! We always need enthusiastic volunteers in a range of areas: manning the registration desk, room hosting and greeting attendees at our traditional Saturday night social. Many previous volunteers have gotten more serious and joined our core organizing team! For more details, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Samuel at

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