
Managing Emotions – As easy as operating a Microwave !

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Emotional intelligence is intentional intelligent use of emotions.

After touching briefly on the introduction, my discussion goes directly into the depth of the topic. Speech is full of stories, latest research evidence and questions where audience is encouraged to participate.

I introduce “The Microwave Technique” to provide audience with tools they can start implementing right away. One person said after listening to this, “I will never be able to see microwave in the same way again”.

I provide three examples of proper implementation of the technique with real life examples.

Key Take Aways

  • Managing emotions is easier than ever thought before
  • Emotions directly impact brain's performance and thus our lives
  • Anger management issues can be prevented at an ealier stage
  • There is more to awareness than just body and mind
  • Managing rathern than suppressing emotions is the way to go

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