
How I rank #1 for “Search Marketing Expert” on Google

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newmediaMike is a search marketing expert and will share with the audience how he is able to rank in the number one position for this competitive term on Google. The session will go beyond the basic nuts and bolts of SEO, and delve into the strategic advantages newmediaMike utilizes to connect his content with his audience.

The session will also look at the tactical tools which work best to rank blogs and sites better.

Key Take Aways

  • Identifying User Intent
  • Connecting with the audience
  • Making your site finadable
  • Making your site crawlable
  • Making your site indexable
Intermediate Social Media & Marketing Session


Q: I heard PodCamp Toronto is an “unconference.” What the heck is that?!

An uncon­fer­ence is a facil­i­tated, participant-driven event cen­tred on a theme or pur­pose (in this case, podcasting and various forms of digital media). Because we’re an unconference, we encourage our participants to exercise the “Law of Two Feet” (see next Q)

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